About Me
My name is Pasya, i am cybersecurity student in SMK Muhammadiyah 2 Palembang, I Love Nature
Penetration Testing
81%Network Administrator
70%Server Hardening
Projects completed
Cup of coffee
Satisfied clients
Nominees winner
Network Administrator
Server Hardening
Looking for a custom job? Click here to contact me! 👋
Senior High School
Meneruskan pendidikan di
SMK Muhammadiyah 2 Palembang
untuk menyesuaikan ambisi dan minat tentang komputer
Junior High School
Melanjutkan pendidikan dengan bersekolah di SMP Negeri 15 Palembang
Elementary School
Menempuh pendidikan dasar di MI.Munawariyah Palembang.
Penetration Testing
Mendalami ilmu pentesting di dunia cyber security.
Network Administrator
Memulai untuk mempelajari tentang jaringan di jenjang yang lebih expert.
Linux Hardening
Mempelajari tentan mesin linux.
- Everything
- Creative
- Art
- Design
- Branding
Guest App Walkthrough Screens
Guest App Walkthrough Screens
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Etiam hendrerit nibh in massa semper rutrum. In rhoncus eleifend mi id tempus.
Donec consectetur, libero at pretium euismod, nisl felis lobortis urna, id tristique nisl lectus eget ligula.
View on DribbbleClients & Reviews
John Doe
Product designer at DribbbleI enjoy working with the theme and learn so much. You guys make the process fun and interesting. Good luck! 👍
John Doe
Product designer at DribbbleI enjoy working with the theme and learn so much. You guys make the process fun and interesting. Good luck! 🔥
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